Monday, September 8, 2008

Romania update numero 2

As you already read... we made it! We are loving the time with Rach and Iza. We haven't had hot water since we've been here, but we're surviving : ) I am feeling perfectly fine now, it was just the first day that was a little rough for me.

I absolutely love the Isaiah center. The 6 kids that Rachel has there are precious and the house is so neat. Before we came, it was so hard to imagine the environment that they are being brought up in with their families. The extreme poverty, the abuse, the abandonment. They are children that deserve to be given a chance and to be loved just like you and me. Rachel has done, and is doing an incredible job here. It's obvious that God has brought her here for a great purpose. It's total reliance on God and his sovereignty. Trusting that He will carry out His plan. It's amazing. (fyi -for anyone who is not aware of what Rachel is doing here check out her website

This week at the center a team from England came to spend time with the kids. They played games, danced (oh how they LOVE to dance!) had them play instruments, had a parade around the property, painted with their feet... they were so much fun! And the kids loved it! We brought one of the girls from the center home with us one night. Little Simona. She is sooo cute. I told her I was going to bring her home in my carry-on bag. Hope Nate doesn't mind!

We got to be here for Iza's first day of school. She was a little nervous before going, but when we picked her up she was so excited and had a great day. "The best student in the class" her teacher said. Such a smart girl.

I'll have more to write when I get home and lots of pictures. Pray for Sue Linn, she is traveling back tomorrow morning!

Just a few pictures, out of lots and lots, for your viewing pleasure...

We watched Hannah Montana in 3D!!!

Outside of a cathedral in Oradea

Inside the cathedral, built in the 1700's. It was breathtaking!

Flan at Capitoleum

Iza's first day of school! The teacher said she was the best student in her class. We were so proud.

Alex playing on his excercise ball.

Party day!

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